Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Media Meeting

We had a Media Meeting after school yesterday afternoon.  I am already a member of the Media Team so this was nothing new.  We have a Media Meeting 4-5 times every school year.  The meetings are about an hour long depending on how much we have to discuss.  At our meeting this time, our Media Specialist read the list of new books that she purchased for our school.  We discussed what will be occurring during the next month.  Read Across America is March 2nd that celebrates Dr. Seuss’ birthday. The PBS Go Writers contest is March 7th, Student Media Festival Entries is March 9th and the Spring Book Fair from March 23rd to March 30th will be happening. The book fair was discussed a lot.  We talked about our theme ( which is a luau) and what decorations we would be using.  We discussed what jobs needed to be done and how many volunteers we would need.  We talked about the writers contest.  For the PBS Go Writers contest students have to write a story that has 5 pictures and particular word count.  Student Media Festival entries can be a book that the student has written and illustrated that can be made into a movie, a photo essay, almost anything media related.  The meeting was very successful we discussed a lot.  I even brought a big bowl of M&M's for everyone to share!   It looks as though March will full of fun for our Media Center. 

Monday, February 27, 2012


Today I went to the library and discussed weeding with our Media Specialist.  She said that weeding was something that took a lot of time- a lot of time that she did not have.  She said she weeds mainly at the end of the year when she is cleaning all the shelves.  The section that my Media Specialist and I choose to weed was the Easy Reader Section.  The reason we picked this section was due to using Destiny and looking at the circulation statistics.  We choose the books that were not circulating within this section. This section is the MOST used section in the library.  This is due primarily to the fact that our school is grades Pre-K through Second Grade.  Within this section we weeded 18 books.  Some of the books in the statistics of the circulation were not in the Easy Reader Section.  They were missing,  The Media Specialist told me some of them might have been damaged beyond repair and she just threw them out, she said some of them might have never been returned, or they could have been taken from the library without checking them out.  We not only weeded the section, we also updated the catalogue within Destiny.  We updated and catalogedd 12 different titles.  We took 8 book titles out of Destiny.  We added 4 bran new titles.  They came in UPS this morning.  Our Media Specialist always picks great titles.  One of the books that we added today was Balloons Over Broadway.  It was on the ALA Award winner list for 2012. I  love working with Destiny!  Its user-friendly, and it has so many cool bells and whistles that every time I go into the program I find something new that it will do.  This time I was inspired to create a lesson with the students to help them use Destiny Quest.  I love how it has pictures for easy clicking fro our younger students. (pic above of me and section weeded)